Hi Team, I am developing a bot to collaborate with an external system. When my bot receives a message with @metioned someone, the bot needs to indentify the ...
Unable to create bot by running npm install -g yo generator-symphony Getting below output ubuntu@ip-172-31-23-179:~$ sudo npm install -g yo generator-symphon...
one year ago
Hi Team, I'm using python code to send data for messageML form, needs to create dependent dropdowns, like based on the first dropdown , I need to get second ...
3 years ago
Hi, I am exploring how to use Symphony in 'unconvential ways'. You can find attached a picture that illustrates the basic architecture I'd like to achieve: -...
Hi, in Synphony training center I can see courses availble for BOT development. Dont we have any course available for App development?
2 years ago
I was going through the documentation about Custom Entity but I can not replicate it in my private project. Can I please get a sample code on how do we use c...
one year ago
HI Any one can guide me. how to show min, max & close icons in symphony chat window. I have integrated ECP chat module in my application. i want to minimize ...
2 years ago
https://docs.developers.symphony.com/v/v20.13/building-extension-applications-on-symphony/overview-of-extension-api/extension-api-services/modules-service st...
3 years ago
We wish to update our application's description and icon in the Symphony Market (on the 'my.symphony.com' pod). Simply updating the bundle.json file has no e...
3 years ago
Hey guys, we are making heavy use of the @activites.slash decorator, something along the lines of: But think duplicating that decorator 20 times for various ...
Let's say we have an application built on Angular and Spring Boot and I was able to create chat rooms, listen to message sents in the backend. However, I am ...
Hi Team, We have the requirement to embed the outlook in Symphony 2.0. can we bring the inbox mails to view in Symphony 2.0 ? we have any document to integra...
2 years ago
Hi Team, if we use the deactivate room(True) , the room is getting disappeared from the Symphony web portal. is there any chance to show that chat room inste...
2 years ago
Hi all, I have a bot developed in Python and it was working fine until the datafeeds api stopped responding. My request: datafeed_url = "https://spx.symphony...
one year ago
I have completed my symphony certification, can you please tell me from where can i retrieve it ?
is there any command to add space among the text field or add margins so its more presentable.
2 years ago
use the sandbox(develop2.symphony.com) that symphony provide to test chatbot. That works on my end. I use the same code same key same configuration in my cus...
I am trying to follow the Developing Bots using BDK for Python, but I'm having a problem when I try to run the bot using command py -m src I am getting the e...
3 years ago
Hi, I have been having trouble connection to the symphony API. I have previously be able to connect and use a bot to scrape symphony rooms but I am now getti...
is selecting multiple check boxes possible by this method, as in a list of symphony chat rooms is mentioned and a message is needed to send to multiple rooms...
2 years ago
What is the difference between chat rooms and Symphony groups?
hi, I am following the Developing Bots using BDK for Python. I have an unexpected pb when I run the bot using command python -m src I am getting the error be...
Hi.. I have created a bot by the BotGenerator. I have configured the config.yaml by referring the working sample including the firm's proxy setup. The servic...
Hi Team, are there any examples for a Headless Bot in Python? I am very interested in creating a chatbot that sends notifications based on external events. A...
Hi, I have created a room and want to upate it from my bot. I am trying to use V2RoomSearchCriteria to search my room first then retrieve roomId to further u...
hi i would like to create some sort of BOT so i would be able to send message from my Grafana system, to my Symphony client (and i have clients that uses sym...
2 years ago
The issue comprimises of incapability of pulling up the messages in the room posted before bot was added in the room. Messages posted post bot is added are s...
Hi, Can you expose an URL with the Python BDK to receive external webhook notifications ? I want to trigger notifications to an endpoint that will be caught ...