Examples: query, "exact match", wildcard*, wild?ard, wild*rd
Fuzzy search: cake~ (finds cakes, bake)
Term boost: "red velvet"^4, chocolate^2
Field grouping: tags:(+work -"fun-stuff")
Escape special characters +-&|!(){}[]^"~*?:\ - e.g. \+ \* \!
Range search: properties.timestamp:[1587729413488 TO *] (inclusive), properties.title:{A TO Z}(excluding A and Z)
Combinations: chocolate AND vanilla, chocolate OR vanilla, (chocolate OR vanilla) NOT "vanilla pudding"
Field search: properties.title:"The Title" AND text
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Revisions 4

3 years ago
Extension App Title using Dark Theme Icon in Light Theme
Extension App Title using Dark Theme Icon in Light Theme
https://docs.developers.symphony.com/v/v20.13/building-extension-applications-on-symphony/overview-of-extension-api/extension-api-services/modules-service states that `modules.setTitle()` allows a 32 by 16 pixel PNG file to be specified as an icon and that "the first 16x16 pixels will be used in a dark theme, and second will be used in the light theme." However, while symphony applies classes `LIGHT-icon` and `DARK-icon` appropriately, these classes do not appear to be defined and so the dark theme icon is always used. I would have expected some CSS like: ``` .LIGHT-icon { background-position-x: 16px; } ``` ... to cause the light theme icon to be used when appropriate.
https://docs.developers.symphony.com/v/v20.13/building-extension-applications-on-symphony/overview-of-extension-api/extension-api-services/modules-service states that `modules.setTitle()` allows a 32 by 16 pixel PNG file to be specified as an icon and that "the first 16x16 pixels will be used in a dark theme, and second will be used in the light theme." However, while symphony applies classes `LIGHT-icon` and `DARK-icon` appropriately, these classes do not appear to be defined and so the dark theme icon is always used. I would have expected some CSS like: ``` .LIGHT-icon { background-position-x: 16px; } ``` ... to cause the light theme icon to be used when appropriate.
3 years ago
Extension App Title using Dark Theme Icon in Light Theme
Extension App Title using Dark Theme Icon in Light Theme
https://docs.developers.symphony.com/v/v20.13/building-extension-applications-on-symphony/overview-of-extension-api/extension-api-services/modules-service states that `modules.setTitle()` allows a 32 by 16 pixel PNG file to be specified as an icon and that "the first 16x16 pixels will be used in a dark theme, and second will be used in the light theme." However, while symphony applies classes `LIGHT-icon` and `DARK-icon` appropriately, these classes do not appear to be defined and so the dark theme icon is always used. I would have expected some CSS like: ``` .LIGHT-icon { background-position-x: 16px; } ``` ... to cause the light theme icon to be used when appropriate.
https://docs.developers.symphony.com/v/v20.13/building-extension-applications-on-symphony/overview-of-extension-api/extension-api-services/modules-service states that `modules.setTitle()` allows a 32 by 16 pixel PNG file to be specified as an icon and that "the first 16x16 pixels will be used in a dark theme, and second will be used in the light theme." However, while symphony applies classes `LIGHT-icon` and `DARK-icon` appropriately, these classes do not appear to be defined and so the dark theme icon is always used. I would have expected some CSS like: ``` .LIGHT-icon { background-position-x: 16px; } ``` ... to cause the light theme icon to be used when appropriate. Icon file: ![file](https://forum.developers.symphony.com/upload/files/1634856168414_image.png) Dark theme: ![file](https://forum.developers.symphony.com/upload/files/1634856208997_image.png) Light theme: ![file](https://forum.developers.symphony.com/upload/files/1634856238676_image.png)
3 years ago
Extension App Title using Dark Theme Icon in Light Theme
Extension App Title using Dark Theme Icon in Light Theme
https://docs.developers.symphony.com/v/v20.13/building-extension-applications-on-symphony/overview-of-extension-api/extension-api-services/modules-service states that `modules.setTitle()` allows a 32 by 16 pixel PNG file to be specified as an icon and that "the first 16x16 pixels will be used in a dark theme, and second will be used in the light theme." However, while symphony applies classes `LIGHT-icon` and `DARK-icon` appropriately, these classes do not appear to be defined and so the dark theme icon is always used. I would have expected some CSS like: ``` .LIGHT-icon { background-position-x: 16px; } ``` ... to cause the light theme icon to be used when appropriate. Icon file: ![file](https://forum.developers.symphony.com/upload/files/1634856168414_image.png) Dark theme: ![file](https://forum.developers.symphony.com/upload/files/1634856208997_image.png) Light theme: ![file](https://forum.developers.symphony.com/upload/files/1634856238676_image.png)
https://docs.developers.symphony.com/v/v20.13/building-extension-applications-on-symphony/overview-of-extension-api/extension-api-services/modules-service states that `modules.setTitle()` allows a 32 by 16 pixel PNG file to be specified as an icon and that "the first 16x16 pixels will be used in a dark theme, and second will be used in the light theme." However, while symphony applies classes `LIGHT-icon` and `DARK-icon` appropriately, these classes do not appear to be defined and so the dark theme icon is always used. I would have expected some CSS like: ``` .LIGHT-icon { background-position-x: 16px; } ``` ... to cause the light theme icon to be used when appropriate.
3 years ago
Extension App Title using Dark Theme Icon in Light Theme

https://docs.developers.symphony.com/v/v20.13/building-extension-applications-on-symphony/overview-of-extension-api/extension-api-services/modules-service states that `modules.setTitle()` allows a 32 by 16 pixel PNG file to be specified as an icon and that "the first 16x16 pixels will be used in a dark theme, and second will be used in the light theme." However, while symphony applies classes `LIGHT-icon` and `DARK-icon` appropriately, these classes do not appear to be defined and so the dark theme icon is always used. I would have expected some CSS like: ``` .LIGHT-icon { background-position-x: 16px; } ``` ... to cause the light theme icon to be used when appropriate.