Examples: query, "exact match", wildcard*, wild?ard, wild*rd
Fuzzy search: cake~ (finds cakes, bake)
Term boost: "red velvet"^4, chocolate^2
Field grouping: tags:(+work -"fun-stuff")
Escape special characters +-&|!(){}[]^"~*?:\ - e.g. \+ \* \!
Range search: properties.timestamp:[1587729413488 TO *] (inclusive), properties.title:{A TO Z}(excluding A and Z)
Combinations: chocolate AND vanilla, chocolate OR vanilla, (chocolate OR vanilla) NOT "vanilla pudding"
Field search: properties.title:"The Title" AND text
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Revisions 2

11 months ago
How to let on_message_sent function await 5 mins and then send message
How to let on_message_sent function await 5 mins and then send message
Hi, I am working on a bot project. The request is using the bot as a reminder. Bot would be added to some chat rooms. If there are some meesges sent to the room but not get any reply (from help team) in 5 mins, the bot would forward the message to another chat room. What I am done is using the on_message_sent function. Make the bot await for 5 mins and then check if the message should be forwarded. ```python async def on_message_sent(self, initiator: V4Initiator, event: V4MessageSent): if (message from help team): pass else: # sleep 5 mins await asyncio.sleep(300) #call list_messages api to check if there is any reply within 5 mins since = int(event.message.timestamp - 1) allmessages = await self._messages.list_messages(event.message.stream.stream_id, since) for allmessage in allmessages: # check if any message from help team: not forward is_send = False break if is_send == True: await self._messages.send_message("") ``` With the code above, I got the warning message: root - WARNING - Events processing took longer than 30 seconds, this might lead to events being re-queued in datafeed and re-dispatched. You might want to consider processing the event in a separated asyncio task if needed. I searched a little bit and found that the datafeed configuration set 30s as default to limit the interval between two attempts. Should I change this to 5mins to avoid this warning? Another question is if this is a proper way to implement the request. If this is not a proper way, could anyone help and explain the logic a little bit? Thank you.
Hi, I am working on a bot project. The request is using the bot as a reminder. Bot would be added to some chat rooms. If there are some meesges sent to the room but not get any reply (from help team) in 5 mins, the bot would forward the message to another chat room. What I am done is using the on_message_sent function. Make the bot await for 5 mins and then check if the message should be forwarded. ``` async def on_message_sent(self, initiator: V4Initiator, event: V4MessageSent): if (message from help team): pass else: # sleep 5 mins await asyncio.sleep(300) #call list_messages api to check if there is any reply within 5 mins since = int(event.message.timestamp - 1) allmessages = await self._messages.list_messages(event.message.stream.stream_id, since) for allmessage in allmessages: # check if any message from help team: not forward is_send = False break if is_send == True: await self._messages.send_message("") ``` With the code above, I got the warning message: root - WARNING - Events processing took longer than 30 seconds, this might lead to events being re-queued in datafeed and re-dispatched. You might want to consider processing the event in a separated asyncio task if needed. I searched a little bit and found that the datafeed configuration set 30s as default to limit the interval between two attempts. Should I change this to 5mins to avoid this warning? Another question is if this is a proper way to implement the request. If this is not a proper way, could anyone help and explain the logic a little bit? Thank you.
#on-message-sent #realtimeevent
#on-message-sent #realtimeevent
11 months ago
How to let on_message_sent function await 5 mins and then send message

Hi, I am working on a bot project. The request is using the bot as a reminder. Bot would be added to some chat rooms. If there are some meesges sent to the room but not get any reply (from help team) in 5 mins, the bot would forward the message to another chat room. What I am done is using the on_message_sent function. Make the bot await for 5 mins and then check if the message should be forwarded. ``` async def on_message_sent(self, initiator: V4Initiator, event: V4MessageSent): if (message from help team): pass else: # sleep 5 mins await asyncio.sleep(300) #call list_messages api to check if there is any reply within 5 mins since = int(event.message.timestamp - 1) allmessages = await self._messages.list_messages(event.message.stream.stream_id, since) for allmessage in allmessages: # check if any message from help team: not forward is_send = False break if is_send == True: await self._messages.send_message("") ``` With the code above, I got the warning message: root - WARNING - Events processing took longer than 30 seconds, this might lead to events being re-queued in datafeed and re-dispatched. You might want to consider processing the event in a separated asyncio task if needed. I searched a little bit and found that the datafeed configuration set 30s as default to limit the interval between two attempts. Should I change this to 5mins to avoid this warning? Another question is if this is a proper way to implement the request. If this is not a proper way, could anyone help and explain the logic a little bit? Thank you.
#on-message-sent #realtimeevent