Examples: query, "exact match", wildcard*, wild?ard, wild*rd
Fuzzy search: cake~ (finds cakes, bake)
Term boost: "red velvet"^4, chocolate^2
Field grouping: tags:(+work -"fun-stuff")
Escape special characters +-&|!(){}[]^"~*?:\ - e.g. \+ \* \!
Range search: properties.timestamp:[1587729413488 TO *] (inclusive), properties.title:{A TO Z}(excluding A and Z)
Combinations: chocolate AND vanilla, chocolate OR vanilla, (chocolate OR vanilla) NOT "vanilla pudding"
Field search: properties.title:"The Title" AND text
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Revisions 2

10 months ago
How to add a button to the window that appears when hashtag is focused
How to add a button to the window that appears when hashtag is focused
To add a button when the mouse cursor is focused on a hashtag, I created an Extension app with the command `yo @finos/symphony ` and changed the following code snippet in controller.js. I have not modified any files other than controller.js. But when I launch the symphony app and focus the mouse cursor on the hashtag, the button is not added. I would like to know the cause of this problem. ``` let appControllerService = SYMPHONY.services.register("app:controller") let navService let appId = 'test-extension' let authenticate = () => { return $.post({ url: '/bdk/v1/app/auth', success: res => $.when(res) }) } let register = data => { let appToken = data["appToken"] return SYMPHONY.application.register( { appId: appId, tokenA: data["appToken"] }, ['modules', 'applications-nav', 'extended-user-info'], ['app:controller'] ).then(res => { res["tokenA"] = appToken let modulesService = SYMPHONY.services.subscribe("modules") let uiService = SYMPHONY.services.subscribe('ui'); uiService.registerExtension( 'hashtag', 'hello-im', "app:controller", { label: 'hashtag Button', data: {} } ); navService = SYMPHONY.services.subscribe("applications-nav") navService.add('show-module', 'test-extension-app', 'app:controller') appControllerService.implement({ select: id => { if (id === 'show-module') { modulesService.show("test-app", {title: "test-extension-app"}, "app:controller", "https://localhost:10443/app.html") } }, trigger: function(uiClass, id, payload, data) { if (uiClass == "hashtag") { console.log('hashtag button was registered on ' + data.datetime + '.'); } } }) return $.when(res) }) } SYMPHONY.remote.hello() .then(authenticate) .then(register) ```
To add a button when the mouse cursor is focused on a hashtag, I created an Extension app with the command `yo @finos/symphony ` and changed the following code snippet in controller.js. I have not modified any files other than controller.js. But when I launch the symphony app and focus the mouse cursor on the hashtag, the button is not added. I would like to know the cause of this problem. ``` let appControllerService = SYMPHONY.services.register("app:controller") let navService let appId = 'test-extension' let authenticate = () => { return $.post({ url: '/bdk/v1/app/auth', success: res => $.when(res) }) } let register = data => { let appToken = data["appToken"] return SYMPHONY.application.register( { appId: appId, tokenA: data["appToken"] }, ['modules', 'applications-nav', 'extended-user-info'], ['app:controller'] ).then(res => { res["tokenA"] = appToken let modulesService = SYMPHONY.services.subscribe("modules") let uiService = SYMPHONY.services.subscribe('ui'); uiService.registerExtension( 'hashtag', 'hello-im', "app:controller", { label: 'IM Button', icon: './../img/square.svg', data: {} } ); navService = SYMPHONY.services.subscribe("applications-nav") navService.add('show-module', 'test-extension-app', 'app:controller') appControllerService.implement({ select: id => { if (id === 'show-module') { modulesService.show("test-app", {title: "test-extension-app"}, "app:controller", "https://localhost:10443/app.html") } }, trigger: function(uiClass, id, payload, data) { if (uiClass == "hashtag") { console.log('hashtag button was registered on ' + data.datetime + '.'); } } }) return $.when(res) }) } SYMPHONY.remote.hello() .then(authenticate) .then(register) ```
10 months ago
How to add a button to the window that appears when hashtag is focused

To add a button when the mouse cursor is focused on a hashtag, I created an Extension app with the command `yo @finos/symphony ` and changed the following code snippet in controller.js. I have not modified any files other than controller.js. But when I launch the symphony app and focus the mouse cursor on the hashtag, the button is not added. I would like to know the cause of this problem. ``` let appControllerService = SYMPHONY.services.register("app:controller") let navService let appId = 'test-extension' let authenticate = () => { return $.post({ url: '/bdk/v1/app/auth', success: res => $.when(res) }) } let register = data => { let appToken = data["appToken"] return SYMPHONY.application.register( { appId: appId, tokenA: data["appToken"] }, ['modules', 'applications-nav', 'extended-user-info'], ['app:controller'] ).then(res => { res["tokenA"] = appToken let modulesService = SYMPHONY.services.subscribe("modules") let uiService = SYMPHONY.services.subscribe('ui'); uiService.registerExtension( 'hashtag', 'hello-im', "app:controller", { label: 'IM Button', icon: './../img/square.svg', data: {} } ); navService = SYMPHONY.services.subscribe("applications-nav") navService.add('show-module', 'test-extension-app', 'app:controller') appControllerService.implement({ select: id => { if (id === 'show-module') { modulesService.show("test-app", {title: "test-extension-app"}, "app:controller", "https://localhost:10443/app.html") } }, trigger: function(uiClass, id, payload, data) { if (uiClass == "hashtag") { console.log('hashtag button was registered on ' + data.datetime + '.'); } } }) return $.when(res) }) } SYMPHONY.remote.hello() .then(authenticate) .then(register) ```