How to change the colour of the submit button in form produced by chat bot. this is in blue colour by default how to chenge it to say red colour or so.
2 years ago
is there any command to add space among the text field or add margins so its more presentable.
2 years ago
is selecting multiple check boxes possible by this method, as in a list of symphony chat rooms is mentioned and a message is needed to send to multiple rooms...
2 years ago
Wanted to know if we could use forms and check boxes to take inputs from users and wanted a reference for creating forms with check boxes.
2 years ago
Hi All, I am developing a bot which recieves questions and sends answers. Some answers the bot sends out contain forms and buttons which users can press. Whe...
Hi All, I am developing a bot on Python BDK which sends messages automatically - I would like users to be able to specify the type of message they are pushed...
2 years ago