Examples: query, "exact match", wildcard*, wild?ard, wild*rd
Fuzzy search: cake~ (finds cakes, bake)
Term boost: "red velvet"^4, chocolate^2
Field grouping: tags:(+work -"fun-stuff")
Escape special characters +-&|!(){}[]^"~*?:\ - e.g. \+ \* \!
Range search: properties.timestamp:[1587729413488 TO *] (inclusive), properties.title:{A TO Z}(excluding A and Z)
Combinations: chocolate AND vanilla, chocolate OR vanilla, (chocolate OR vanilla) NOT "vanilla pudding"
Field search: properties.title:"The Title" AND text
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Revisions 3

2 years ago
Yong Sheng Tan
39 × 2 Administrator
Feed was set to stale when running BDK bot for python
Feed was set to stale when running BDK bot for python
This happens when your bot is configured to use Datafeed 2.0 and has created a datafeed, but was not continuously running for some time so the datafeed became stale. The BDK will automatically re-create a new datafeed and begin listening on the new one after those log messages. As long as the bot is responding to events like commands, everything is working correctly. If you terminate the bot process and restart it, you will notice that the exception no longer occurs, since your previous run already created a new datafeed. The Python BDK as of version 2.3.0 defaults to using Datafeed 2.0, which does not persist a `datafeed.id` file to disk. Instead, all datafeeds are stored in the Symphony Cloud to improve bot resilience. As for presence, your bot should appear online as soon as your bot process starts up and the datafeed loop begins.
This happens when your bot is configured to use Datafeed 2.0 and has created a datafeed, but was not continuously running for some time so the datafeed became stale. The BDK should automatically re-create a new datafeed and begin listening on the new one after those log messages. Can you confirm if the bot is responding to events like commands? If it does not, please provide the version of the Python BDK you are using and the contents of your configuration file.
2 years ago
Yong Sheng Tan
39 × 2 Administrator
Feed was set to stale when running BDK bot for python
Feed was set to stale when running BDK bot for python
This happens when your bot is configured to use Datafeed 2.0 and has created a datafeed, but was not continuously running for some time so the datafeed became stale. The BDK should automatically re-create a new datafeed and begin listening on the new one after those log messages. Can you confirm if the bot is responding to events like commands? If it does not, please provide the version of the Python BDK you are using and the contents of your configuration file.
It happens when your bot is configured to use Datafeed 2.0 and has created a datafeed, but was not continuously running for some time so the datafeed became stale. The BDK should automatically re-create a new datafeed and begin listening on the new one after those log messages. Can you confirm if the bot is responding to events like commands? If it does not, please provide the version of the Python BDK you are using and the contents of your configuration file.
2 years ago
Yong Sheng Tan
39 × 2 Administrator
Feed was set to stale when running BDK bot for python

It happens when your bot is configured to use Datafeed 2.0 and has created a datafeed, but was not continuously running for some time so the datafeed became stale. The BDK should automatically re-create a new datafeed and begin listening on the new one after those log messages. Can you confirm if the bot is responding to events like commands? If it does not, please provide the version of the Python BDK you are using and the contents of your configuration file.