How to change the colour of the submit button in form produced by chat bot. this is in blue colour by default how to chenge it to say red colour or so.
2 years ago
I'm trying to send in an object into jinja2 template but this compartive doesn't work in any fashion. Is there any documentation that clearly states how this...
2 years ago
is there any command to add space among the text field or add margins so its more presentable.
2 years ago
How to assign permissions to make the bot Administrator role where it could add itself into the chat room after checking public room or not . Once it adds it...
2 years ago
WHere can i find the rules applied to formatting a table i send into Symphony ? Looking for details on column width, word wrap conditiions etc. thanks
1.What is the best method to add a bot created according to SDK into multiple chat rooms where each room has different admin. Please provide a solution other...
is selecting multiple check boxes possible by this method, as in a list of symphony chat rooms is mentioned and a message is needed to send to multiple rooms...
2 years ago
Wanted to know if we could use forms and check boxes to take inputs from users and wanted a reference for creating forms with check boxes.
2 years ago
Its an extension app where we need to check if app is opened inside symphony. One of the available condition was to check if is same as window.sel...
2 years ago
use the sandbox( that symphony provide to test chatbot. That works on my end. I use the same code same key same configuration in my cus...
could anyone suggest an easiest way to retrive chat room name from Stream Id
Say i have a string array of names and have passef it into the form.Wanted to use the person-selector option with other tags in forms so that it could show o...
one year ago
Hi, I am trying send a flag of acknowledgement to a separate service via an endpoint, in the case that a Form button has been clicked. Is that possible? An A...
one year ago
I think I'm missing a step here. In the documentation it says I need to go to the admin center and register my bot/upload the public key. I can't seem to acc...
2 years ago
Hi All, I am developing a bot which recieves questions and sends answers. Some answers the bot sends out contain forms and buttons which users can press. Whe...
Hi i am trying to create IM for multiple user and its throwing error 500 while trying to create stream for multiple user
2 years ago
Hi there, I have read the documentation for managing multiple bot instances within a single project:
We are thinking what information do we need when it comes to chat messages when we are integrating with Symphony. Our initial plan is to store the chat room ...
Let's say we have an application built on Angular and Spring Boot and I was able to create chat rooms, listen to message sents in the backend. However, I am ...
Can a headless bot get the list of chatrooms that it is in and send messages to those chatrooms? Thanks
2 years ago
Hi everyone, We would like to know your thoughts on our plan regarding integration of our system with Symphony. Basically we have our two different systems b...
For testing purposes, how can we try or test OBO authentication in sandbox mode? I have tried the examples but since I do not know where to configure it via ...
Hi All, I am developing a bot on Python BDK which sends messages automatically - I would like users to be able to specify the type of message they are pushed...
2 years ago
Hi All, I am trying to setup symphony-poll-bot-java code and trying to test is on my developer's sandbox environment. My service is running fine without any ...
2 years ago
The issue comprimises of incapability of pulling up the messages in the room posted before bot was added in the room. Messages posted post bot is added are s...
HI Any one can guide me. how to show min, max & close icons in symphony chat window. I have integrated ECP chat module in my application. i want to minimize ...
2 years ago