Examples: query, "exact match", wildcard*, wild?ard, wild*rd
Fuzzy search: cake~ (finds cakes, bake)
Term boost: "red velvet"^4, chocolate^2
Field grouping: tags:(+work -"fun-stuff")
Escape special characters +-&|!(){}[]^"~*?:\ - e.g. \+ \* \!
Range search: properties.timestamp:[1587729413488 TO *] (inclusive), properties.title:{A TO Z}(excluding A and Z)
Combinations: chocolate AND vanilla, chocolate OR vanilla, (chocolate OR vanilla) NOT "vanilla pudding"
Field search: properties.title:"The Title" AND text
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Revisions 4

2 years ago
Yong Sheng Tan
39 × 2 Administrator
Difference between chat room and symphony Group
Difference between chat room and symphony Group
Here are the differences between a chat room and Groups: * Chat rooms allow for people to be part of a specific conversation/topic/team. * Symphony Groups are a special type of distribution lists - allowing for selected members to be part of groups that end users can search for and start a conversation with. * Symphony Groups can be set up to include custom attributes to differentiate between different organizational functions, market coverage & responsibilities. * Symphony Groups can be configured whereby the members within the groups can be provisioned to only communicate internally or externally. The Groups endpoints are listed along the other endpoints on the REST API reference: https://developers.symphony.com/restapi/reference/insertgroup You can also review this webinar on BDK Extensions and the Groups extension at the end to find out how to implement groups as part of your BDK project. https://goto.symphony.com/BAB-BDKExtensionSYGroups-Mar22-Recording.html
Hi Sabarirajan, Here are the difference between a chat room & Symphony Groups: * Chat rooms allow for people to be part of a specific conversation/topic/team. * Symphony Groups are a special type of distribution lists - allowing for selected members to be part of groups that end users can search for and start a conversation with. * Symphony Groups can be set up to include custom attributes to differentiate between different organizational functions, market coverage & responsibilities. * Symphony Groups can be configured whereby the members within the groups can be provisioned to only communicate internally or externally. You can review this webinar on BDK Extensions and the Groups implementation at the end to find out how to implement groups as part of your BDK project. https://goto.symphony.com/BAB-BDKExtensionSYGroups-Mar22-Recording.html Please let us know should you have any further questions.
2 years ago
Yong Sheng Tan
39 × 2 Administrator
Difference between chat room and symphony Group
Difference between chat room and symphony Group
Hi Sabarirajan, Here are the difference between a chat room & Symphony Groups: * Chat rooms allow for people to be part of a specific conversation/topic/team. * Symphony Groups are a special type of distribution lists - allowing for selected members to be part of groups that end users can search for and start a conversation with. * Symphony Groups can be set up to include custom attributes to differentiate between different organizational functions, market coverage & responsibilities. * Symphony Groups can be configured whereby the members within the groups can be provisioned to only communicate internally or externally. You can review this webinar on BDK Extensions and the Groups implementation at the end to find out how to implement groups as part of your BDK project. https://goto.symphony.com/BAB-BDKExtensionSYGroups-Mar22-Recording.html Please let us know should you have any further questions.
Hi Sabarirajan, Here are the difference between a chat room & Symphony Groups: * Chat rooms allow for people to be part of a specific conversation/topic/team. * Symphony Groups are a special type of distribution lists - allowing for selected members to be part of groups that end users can search for and start a conversation with. * Symphony Groups can be set up to include custom attributes to differentiate between different organizational functions, market coverage & responsibilities. * Symphony Groups can be configured whereby the members within the groups can be provisioned to only communicate internally or externally. Please let us know should you have any further questions.
2 years ago
Kaosar Ahmed
310 × 3 Administrator
Difference between chat room and symphony Group
Difference between chat room and symphony Group
Hi Sabarirajan, Here are the difference between a chat room & Symphony Groups: * Chat rooms allow for people to be part of a specific conversation/topic/team. * Symphony Groups are a special type of distribution lists - allowing for selected members to be part of groups that end users can search for and start a conversation with. * Symphony Groups can be set up to include custom attributes to differentiate between different organizational functions, market coverage & responsibilities. * Symphony Groups can be configured whereby the members within the groups can be provisioned to only communicate internally or externally. Please let us know should you have any further questions.
Hi Sabarirajan, Thank you for your message, Here are the difference between a chat room & Symphony Groups: - Chat rooms allow for people to be part of a specific conversation/topic/team. - Symphony Groups are a special type of distribution lists - allowing for selected members to be part of groups that end users can search for and start a conversation with. - Symphony Groups can be set up to include custom attributes to differentiate between different organizational functions, market coverage & responsibilities. - Symphony Groups can be configured whereby the members within the groups can be provisioned to only communicate internally or externally. Please let us know should you have any further questions.
2 years ago
Kaosar Ahmed
310 × 3 Administrator
Difference between chat room and symphony Group

Hi Sabarirajan, Thank you for your message, Here are the difference between a chat room & Symphony Groups: - Chat rooms allow for people to be part of a specific conversation/topic/team. - Symphony Groups are a special type of distribution lists - allowing for selected members to be part of groups that end users can search for and start a conversation with. - Symphony Groups can be set up to include custom attributes to differentiate between different organizational functions, market coverage & responsibilities. - Symphony Groups can be configured whereby the members within the groups can be provisioned to only communicate internally or externally. Please let us know should you have any further questions.