Hi, I'm trying to do a basic POC by embedding a sandbox room indode my webapp, using: This requires a room ID, but I don't know how to find it ?
Hello, I'm new to symphony and I'm trying to send messages accross differents chatrooms or IM/IMM. To do so, I have to get session tokens for chatroom. to ge...
2 years ago
How can we send user specific messages (i.e. I have to send some exception alerts to group of related users. There can be N number of groups and exception al...
2 years ago
For testing purposes, how can we try or test OBO authentication in sandbox mode? I have tried the examples but since I do not know where to configure it via ...
HI Any one can guide me. how to show min, max & close icons in symphony chat window. I have integrated ECP chat module in my application. i want to minimize ...
2 years ago
Hello guys, we leverage a bot function that allows us to /ping @"someone in the company" where "someone in the company" is replaced by a firstname lastname d...
Can a headless bot get the list of chatrooms that it is in and send messages to those chatrooms? Thanks
2 years ago
Hi, in Symphony did we have option to add attachment from Symphony Form Element ?(and yes we have option to add attachment in Symphony chat but not via Form ...
2 years ago
Hi, I am working on high availability for my Symphony bots. We have 4 backend bot instances running behind a Round robin loadbalancer. I read the documentati...
Hi Team, I am very new to symphony and would like to see that if someone messages to symphony through Whatsapp, how can i send the message to a REST API whic...
2 years ago
We are thinking what information do we need when it comes to chat messages when we are integrating with Symphony. Our initial plan is to store the chat room ...
Hi, I am exploring how to use Symphony in 'unconvential ways'. You can find attached a picture that illustrates the basic architecture I'd like to achieve: -...
Let's say we have an application built on Angular and Spring Boot and I was able to create chat rooms, listen to message sents in the backend. However, I am ...
Hi, in Synphony training center I can see courses availble for BOT development. Dont we have any course available for App development?
2 years ago
Hi, Can you expose an URL with the Python BDK to receive external webhook notifications ? I want to trigger notifications to an endpoint that will be caught ...
Hi everyone, We would like to know your thoughts on our plan regarding integration of our system with Symphony. Basically we have our two different systems b...
Hey guys, we are making heavy use of the @activites.slash decorator, something along the lines of: But think duplicating that decorator 20 times for various ...
Hi there, I have read the documentation for managing multiple bot instances within a single project: https://docs.developers.symphony.com/developer-tools/dev...
hi i would like to create some sort of BOT so i would be able to send message from my Grafana system, to my Symphony client (and i have clients that uses sym...
2 years ago