Does BDK 2.0 (Java) supports the reading of messages with styles? We are Having requirement to read Rich Text message ( having excels tables and images ) and...
Hi, Can you expose an URL with the Python BDK to receive external webhook notifications ? I want to trigger notifications to an endpoint that will be caught ...
To add a button when the mouse cursor is focused on a hashtag, I created an Extension app with the command yo @finos/symphony and changed the following code ...
one year ago
Hi, I am at: and trying to run the bot at 3:44 for the f...
We are thinking what information do we need when it comes to chat messages when we are integrating with Symphony. Our initial plan is to store the chat room ...
i have a doubt , suppose bot create a chat room and adds members into it . After the work process is done i dont want the members to write anything into the ...
Unable to create bot by running npm install -g yo generator-symphony Getting below output ubuntu@ip-172-31-23-179:~$ sudo npm install -g yo generator-symphon...
one year ago
Say i have a string array of names and have passef it into the form.Wanted to use the person-selector option with other tags in forms so that it could show o...
one year ago
is selecting multiple check boxes possible by this method, as in a list of symphony chat rooms is mentioned and a message is needed to send to multiple rooms...
one year ago
Hi Team, are there any examples for a Headless Bot in Python? I am very interested in creating a chatbot that sends notifications based on external events. A...
Hi All, We are looking for some help here on where to start from if we want to setup Symphony API server of our own. Would really appreciate if you could pro...
8 months ago
Hi, I am working on a bot project. The request is using the bot as a reminder. Bot would be added to some chat rooms. If there are some meesges sent to the r...
one year ago
Hello everyone, I generated my Python BDK bot using the Symphony Generator ( When I tried to launch the Python B...
Let's say we have an application built on Angular and Spring Boot and I was able to create chat rooms, listen to message sents in the backend. However, I am ...
Hi, I am exploring how to use Symphony in 'unconvential ways'. You can find attached a picture that illustrates the basic architecture I'd like to achieve: -...
Hi Team, The very first attached image in this documentation (
one year ago
Can I create an extension app in develop2 sandbox that can read and reply to messages
one year ago
Hi, I have created a room and want to upate it from my bot. I am trying to use V2RoomSearchCriteria to search my room first then retrieve roomId to further u...
I'm implementing a UserJoinedRoomContext watcher in my bot. The code gets called python async def on_activity(self, context: UserJoinedRoomContext): user = a...
i pinned the message with symphony elements in IM, once we clicked any of the button the remaining button got disabled and we are unable to use the pinned me...
2 years ago
I am writing to ask for your advice on whether I can achieve the following with Symphony API. When there is a message on symphony group chat, for example, “/...
2 years ago
For testing purposes, how can we try or test OBO authentication in sandbox mode? I have tried the examples but since I do not know where to configure it via ...
Hey guys, we are making heavy use of the @activites.slash decorator, something along the lines of: But think duplicating that decorator 20 times for various ...
The issue comprimises of incapability of pulling up the messages in the room posted before bot was added in the room. Messages posted post bot is added are s...
Hi there! Can anyone give me clear answer: How I can prepare a chart in my own bot?
I want to intergrate symphony-bdk-core-spring-boot-starter on our spring boot service. But my existing service uses Spring boot starter web dependency with v...
one year ago
Hi, I'm trying to do a basic POC by embedding a sandbox room indode my webapp, using: This requires a room ID, but I don't know how to find it ?
Hi All, I am developing a bot on Python BDK which sends messages automatically - I would like users to be able to specify the type of message they are pushed...
one year ago
I'm trying to send in an object into jinja2 template but this compartive doesn't work in any fashion. Is there any documentation that clearly states how this...
one year ago