Hi, Can you expose an URL with the Python BDK to receive external webhook notifications ? I want to trigger notifications to an endpoint that will be caught ...
i pinned the message with symphony elements in IM, once we clicked any of the button the remaining button got disabled and we are unable to use the pinned me...
2 years ago
I have successfully passed the Symphony / Bot Developer Certification (Java) exam , however now want to share the certificate with my netwrks in LinkedIn. Ho...
Hi, Starting up the demo bot from chatper 4, runs fine. It looks good and replies with teh @mention followed by /command but the bot's online status at the S...
Hi, I'm trying to do a basic POC by embedding a sandbox room indode my webapp, using: This requires a room ID, but I don't know how to find it ?
HI Any one can guide me. how to show min, max & close icons in symphony chat window. I have integrated ECP chat module in my application. i want to minimize ...
2 years ago
Hi, in Synphony training center I can see courses availble for BOT development. Dont we have any course available for App development?
2 years ago
Hi, We are using ECP(Embedded Collaboration Platform) in our application. We are trying to resolve the javascript promise sent by StartRoom,SendMessage and C...
I recently completed the Symphony/Certified Bot Developer Certification (Java) and was issued a certificate with the code 62BF-8862-F9CC-4D64. I have added t...
is selecting multiple check boxes possible by this method, as in a list of symphony chat rooms is mentioned and a message is needed to send to multiple rooms...
one year ago
Hi Team, The very first attached image in this documentation (https://docs.developers.symphony.com/building-bots-on-symphony/messages/overview-of-messageml/s...
one year ago
Its an extension app where we need to check if app is opened inside symphony. One of the available condition was to check if window.top is same as window.sel...
one year ago
How to change the colour of the submit button in form produced by chat bot. this is in blue colour by default how to chenge it to say red colour or so.
one year ago
--> how to use the pinnedMessageId for newly created chatroom? --> The pinnedMessageId attribute allows to display, in the Client 2.0 only? how to identity w...
2 years ago
Hi, I have to list all system features(/v1/admin/system/features/list that endpoint). Is there any service in java BDK to do that? If not how I may achive th...
Hi, I am having issue with the bot connection to the host develop2.symphony.com. I am receiving the below error 2023-07-18 10:08:18,431 - root - INFO - Runni...
one year ago
The [Building an Extension App with #hashtags & $cashtags] (https://docs.developers.symphony.com/ext-apps/tutorials/building-an-extension-app-with-hashtags-+...
one year ago
say i have a set in java whose length is not fixed and it changes with time, who do we pass this set into the form and use it to display those set values as ...
one year ago
Here is my code to get room members async with SymphonyBdk(config) as bdk: streams = bdk.streams() members = await streams.list_room_members("") for i in mem...
I think I'm missing a step here. In the documentation it says I need to go to the admin center and register my bot/upload the public key. I can't seem to acc...
one year ago
Hi, in Python Symphony Bot, I want to create a Jinja2 Template that can handle a list of objects that is returned by database call. Can someone give me how t...
one year ago
Unable to create bot by running npm install -g yo generator-symphony Getting below output ubuntu@ip-172-31-23-179:~$ sudo npm install -g yo generator-symphon...
one year ago
How to assign permissions to make the bot Administrator role where it could add itself into the chat room after checking public room or not . Once it adds it...
one year ago
Is there an easy way to send an alert to a Symphony chat when email is received from a particular recipient? It is easy enough to create an Exchange server-s...
one year ago
Good afternoon, New here and new to Symphony - I'm playing my noob card and it won't be the first time! I've been tasked with looking into extracts. To that ...
one year ago
Using person-selector i am getting arraylist of long type for the names selected but they are having userId how to get username from the userId in java .
one year ago
Hi, I am working on a bot project. The request is using the bot as a reminder. Bot would be added to some chat rooms. If there are some meesges sent to the r...
one year ago